Greening the desert
These guys bought 10 acres of land in a desert and made it green – this is fascinating
DID you know??
I always enjoy a few good statistics
This movie must bee seen
Dinner date on a bike
This went on just now my mate Carla went and has been telling me about it. It was a cycle with someone that had a mobile kitchin (pulled by bicycle)
The website is here
THe Nature of Chee or QI
Wilst looking at self massage on youtube I thought I should open the search up to “self healing”. As many of you know I try to look after my qi and this is a movie about working with the qi (or life force as seen by toaists).
It looks pretty interesting qi is lifeforce and think gong is breathing. I guess it’s a bit like the study of Pranayama (in yoga)
It is now practiced by millions of chinese
Self Neck and shoulder massage
I thought maybe I should see what there is out there that I can do myself for myself and there is actually quite a bit
THIS IS AWSOME!! I just did it – bloody amazing. This is a complete massage I got pretty deep – I think I can sort myself out with this one.
He did another one too on face excersizes that was nice.
I also did this one but it wasn’t as good as the ones above
I haven’t done these but they looked interesting for different reasons
This is a meditation / self massage especially for a migrane (I found it a bit boring – maybe I’ll try at again sometime)
I found this one less than convincing basically tap yourself in various places whilst saying “even if I have a migraine headache I fully accept me the way I am” . hmmm