Today I just finished “web Fundamentals”. Which is a suite of free online training turtorials on a great training site called codecademy. It covered HTML 5 , CSS and a bit of java. I am really impressed with the site and the way the lessons are structured. I also like the way it gives you medals for performance – I have found it to be very motivating.
iPhone autocorrect fun
I am actually writing this blog post on my iPhone. Isn’t technology amazing! I love my iPhone how’ve ever it can be annoying occasionally and one of the most annoying functions is auto correct. I have sent a few bloopers in the post caused by the over zealous autocorrect. I found this site and thought you may find it as amusing as I.
Is now a good time to buy a house?
When making an investment decision you need to weigh up the downsides versus potential upside. House prices are related to economic performance and interest rates so you need to look at these two items to come to a decision.
SEO smartlinks
I have just installed SEO Smartlinks wordpress plugin on this wordpress site. I like it because it makes it really easy to link to your own content. Linking to your own content has the advantage of increasing search engine traffic and also presenting the reader with relevant further reading. All the links on this page are done using SEO Smartlinks. It is really quick and easy to use. I got this tip from Five Minutes with Jack podcasts which is one of my favourite internet marketing podcasts.
I am optimizing the keywords on this post for the keyword “SEO Smartlinks” using another plugin called Yoast. Below is a quick video on SEOsmartlinks
Word of Warning
On installing SEO Smartlinks I have now noticed that the “featured image” functionality in wordpress has stopped working. I will be talking to the developer about this and I’ll let you know how I get on.
My first Solar panel Purchase
32 180 watt solar panels for $800
This post is about my power system, why I bought the panels, how I tested them and how I wired and mounted them.
Why I bought the solar panels?
Treating cancer with Selenium
Treating cancer with selenium
Selenium is a cheap supplement that medicals trials suggest is effective at reducing and removing tumours without significant side effects.
I was listening to an interview with Keith Pendlebury he was a nice guy who is retired and spent years researching cancer cures. He has developed a method to cure cancers using selenium that he originally developed to help his father. He is happy to share his method and provide free advice with anyone and has published an ebook on his site that explains more details. In the interview he explains what drove him to do what he is doing and also details the technical reasons as to how selenuim works and the research he did.
On his website he quotes many medical trials that study the use of selenium when combating cancer. In the interview he also mentioned the work of Linus Pauling. I have written a post before about Dr Linus Pauling , winner of 2 Nobel prizes(for Chemistry and Physics). He has also published a number of books on cancer and I have read Cancer and Vitamin C and a few other of his books. He has also researched and documented other Vitamins and minerals and their effect on health including selenium details that can be found at the Oregon State University.
I had originally posted a different image of a selenium supplement on the post but I changed it as keith kindly pointed out which brand and dosage he uses which is Natural Factors selenium at a dosage of 200 mcgs.
What are Bitcoins?
Bitcoins are a new currency making a huge impact. BitCoins are an electronic currency that has no bank and allows anonymous ,low cost transactions.
I was listening to two beers with steve where he interviewed Brian Newgen (a bit coins expert) from Dublin Ireland. What makes Bitcoins different to other currencies is
- They are are a finite amount in circulation and rules that limit thier distribution (so no systemic inflation),
- There are no central banks therefore very low transaction costs
- All transactions are 100% anonymous
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Snowmobile out of control
I stumbled across this on youtube whilst I was doing some research
Its quite incredible really
Mum and Dad visiting
Mum and Dad have been over from the UK the last couple of weeks at the country 20 acre residence. We have decided to fence in the house in to prevent kangaroos from eating all my plants. Dad helped me with my fence .(Mum has proofed this)
Mum “We are having an amazing time here….I am really appreciating the selected sightseeing to all the building merchants/ timber yards and DIY outlets….all very cultural!!”My top 3 Internet Business Podcasts
I listen to a lot of podcasts and thought the readers might be interested to know what my favourite were. They all feature stacks of detailed actionable information and are also all really motivating.
Five minutes with Jack
Jack runs a successful business based around The survival podcast and based on this experience he also has alot of great stuff about about setting up community by using podcasts that I haven’t heard anywhere else. This is a business podcast on all manner of internet marketing topics. Recently he had a really good show on some very low level advice about how to effectively use keyword research. The shows are about 5-15 mins long and there is a new show every day.
The lifestyle business Podcast
This is the journey of two smart location independent entrepreneurs. These guys have a number of profitable interesting business ventures which they tell their story on the podcast. They also have tips and tricks and great stuff about outsourcing and working internationally , working with chinese firms and even (shock!) selling real physical products. The shows are fun and they have bags of energy and I’ve been listening to their adventures since more or less the start.
The Smart Passive Income
Pat Flynn has had this the smart passive income website going for a few years he has built a successful business around various passive income streams coming from his various websites and social media presence. He is completely transparent and open about his progress and publishes some great instructional videos on his blog. He also was one of the first people ever to publish his monthly income statements online which he continues to do today. I have just listened to his podcast where he actually went through his yearly income statement which I found very interesting. Recently he has also been conducting a series of interviews with different entrepreneurs using the internet in different ways to improve their businesses which I found very interesting.
To read more about other internet marketing stuff I find really useful go to my internet marketing page