how to hedge inflation using silver

Silver is the best hedge against Inflation

Silver has a great deal of potential upside.

There is less silver available today than there was 100 years ago as silver is consumed by industry . Silver is approaching an all time high vs the cost of gold it is  50 times more expensive than gold  compared with a multiple of 30 in 1985 and roduction costs for silver when compared Gold is only 17 times as much.

So silver prices could be different if based on

  • Gold / Silver price Ratio (at 1985 ratio)  $60
  • Production cost ratio  $105
*details on my numbers are lower down in the post
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fluoride in the water

Fluoride in the water

Does fluoride in the water reduce cavities?

Is fluoride dangerous?

I was listening to an interview with Dr Russell Blayblock and it got me thinking about flouride in the water. Is it a useful additive? Or is it bad for me? I’d heard allegations about some of the alleged problems with fluoride before but did not know whether to believe them. The allegations about potential health issues in the interview were significant so for this reason I decided it was time to do some significant research and and get to the bottom of this. I was actually surprised at how easy it was to lay this matter to rest, below is a summary of what I found out. Continue Reading

I hate facebook

Today I deleted my Facebook Account

I have always hated Facebook. I hate the way they change things without asking. I hate the non straightforeward way it works. I hate the way people now don’t value privacy and the contribution Facebook has made towards that attitude. In addition I hate the way they make you have a stupid “page” if your a business that is useless as a marketing tool.

I setup my facebook account some years ago to promote my band. Pretty soon after that I realized it was not a very good tool for that purpose and then focussed on building a mailing list. I also set it up to keep in contact with my family but to be honest I never go in as I prefer to talk to them. I haven’t used it for ages so I thought rather than leave it online so people can build up a database of images of me I decided to erase my account. By the way if you don’t think people are building up databases of images check out – creepy! Or this one brought to you by Reuters vuedle

I am now cleansed

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iphone auto correct

iPhone autocorrect fun

I am actually writing this blog post on my iPhone. Isn’t technology amazing! I love my iPhone how’ve ever it can be annoying occasionally and one of the most annoying functions is auto correct. I have sent a few bloopers in the post caused by the over zealous autocorrect. I found this site and thought you may find it as amusing as I.



Is now a good time to buy a house?

A friend of mine asked me for my opinion on whether he should buy a house right now. To answer the question properly I had to explain where I think the world economy is going and the causes.

When making an investment decision you need to weigh up the downsides versus potential upside. House prices are related to economic performance and interest rates so you need to look at these two items to come to a decision.

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What are Bitcoins?

Bitcoins are a new currency making a huge impact. BitCoins are an electronic currency that has no bank and allows anonymous ,low cost transactions.

I was listening to  two beers with steve where he interviewed Brian Newgen (a bit coins expert) from Dublin Ireland. What makes Bitcoins different to other currencies is

  • They are are a finite amount in circulation and rules that limit thier distribution (so no systemic inflation),
  • There are no central banks therefore very low transaction costs
  • All transactions are 100% anonymous

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The trivium, grammer , logic and rhetoric

Intellectual Self Defence & Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

This is not something our educational system or cuture seems to value. However nowadays we have access to more information than ever before, but at the same time we are more confused. This make developing critical thinking skills a higher priority for everyone. I covered problems and the causes of this problem in a previous blog post called “Education or Instruction?”. Poor critical thinking skills are so endemic that many people have lost confidence in their own ability to make decisions. Most people outsource the majority of their most important thinking to other people believing themselves incapable. I believe there’s huge room for improvement in most people , including myself and for this reason I was very excited when I came accross the Trivium and the Peace Revolution Podcast. Lacking in the ability and confidence to scrutinize information makes a person an easy target for scoundrels.  The Peace Revolution Podcast aims to provide information and tools to develop skills needed for  “intellectual self defence” by developing critical thinking skills.


The Trivium is one of those tools . Today the trivium is taught only in a small group of elite educational establishments.  The fundamentals  of the trivium are ancient, they were developed by  Aristotle. The Latin word “Trivium” means “from the three ways”

1. General Grammar (Answers the question of the Who, What, Where, and the When of a subject.) Discovering and ordering facts of reality comprises basic, systematic Knowledge

2. Formal Logic (Answers the Why of a subject.) Developing the faculty of reason in establishing valid [i.e., non-contradictory] relationships among facts, systematic Understanding

3. Classical Rhetoric (Provides the How of a subject.) Applying knowledge and understanding expressively comprises Wisdom or, in other words, it is systematically useable knowledge and understanding


The mastery of the Trivium allows for an individual to quickly assimilate information, judge its quality and turn this information into wisdom. Wisdom being knowledge that has useful application. In studying the trivium Formal Logic is a good place to start as it deals with the identification of lies, which is something we are bombarded daily. Using Formal Logic to Identify fallacies   The study of Formal Logic helps understanding by rooting out contradictions and fallacies. Fallacies are not the same as lies they are information that is either deliberately or unknowingly misleading.  With the trivium you can you identify fallacies and also name the type of fallacy that is being perpetrated. For a list common fallacies that you could pop in your wallet see this Mental Antivirus checklist. To see some fallacies in action see below

I currently have the Mental Antivirus checklist in my wallet and have already brought some logical rigour to some pub conversations. I provided some friends a copy of the Mental Antivirus Checklist and found that using the common approach meant we had much more meaningful dialogue than normal.

Final thought

The word trivia is derived from  singular for the Trivium.  It is interesting how something so important has come stand for something so…………….trivial. I’d love know how you get on with the Trivium – Drop me line in the comments! Paul